What is Biozyme from Sunburst Chemicals? ProfitMax Chemical FAQ explains the Sunburst Chemicals drain cleaner called Biozyme.
What is Biozyme?
Biozyme is the showcase drain cleaner provided by Sunburst Chemicals. It is a solid purple chemical sold in the standard Sunburst capsule. Unlike the rest of the lineup, Biozyme gets its very own dispenser.
The Sunburst Chemicals Trap Tender dispenser is an automatic machine set to a timer to go off at 1 a.m. when the location is presumably closed. This is to facilitate the mechanical function of the Biozyme. Biozyme, you see, is a bacterial based digestant. This means that rather than dissolving the drain scum the way most drain acids do it instead uses microbes to eat and digest the organic residues.
When it comes to asking about how do you maintain a sunburst chemicals trap tender dispenser, the answer is easy, since it does the work for you and you only need to keep an eye on the Biozyme and if the battery light is flashing. Thats it.
The microbes are activated by water and will consume organic matter until they run out of food or are exposed to ammonium, such as Sunburst’s ammonium-based Sentinel sanitizer, at which point they are easily and cleanly washed away with no harmful residues left in your drains, grease traps, or local sewer system. The timed Trap Tender dispenser allows the Biozyme to be applied when there are no users in the store to wash them out, allowing the microbes maximum time to work on the drains.
This also makes it easy to use.
All the customer needs to do is make certain that the Trap Tender is loaded with fresh Biozyme should it ever run out. The Trap Tender does have a button for manual use allowing dispensing on demand. This can be used to inject the drains on command or to fill buckets full of activated Biozyme to apply to any drains that might be beyond the Trap Tender’s reach. Should the dispenser malfunction a blinking light on the front will alert the user to the need for technical service.
Because Biozyme is a digestant it performs a number of additional services. By eating away at organic matter is deprives pests and bugs like flies and cockroaches food and nesting material, preventing them from laying eggs and spreading around your food prep areas.
How can a drain cleaning help a business and the town it is in? The answer is in the above and one of the ProfitMax Chemical FAQ‘s
It also kills and disposes of these pests should they occupy your drains. This same process also clears out rotting material in drains removing stink and other bad smells that result from decomposing biological matter. As an additional bonus this efficient removal of organic matter makes the buildup of inorganic blockage slower reducing how often a store needs to call in the plumber for manual clearing. In optimal conditions, it may reduce the need for such visits entirely.
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What is Biozyme from Sunburst Chemicals?